Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan Essay

This essay will emphasize on whether or not the author of the story, â€Å"A Visit from the Goon Squad†, Jennifer Egan, thinks that adult behavior is shaped by one’s youth. The essay will focus on discussing the view of the author concerning whether one’s youth is responsible for shaping his or her adult behaviors. The author has taken time to show her feelings and connections in relation to ones youthful experiences and their ultimate old age. In the short story, the connections between the characters are all based on the fact that they were all friends and had connections to each other in the past. The connection is still there many years later. The story revolves around elaborating the lives of key characters so as to show that the author supports the notion one’s youth is responsible for shaping his or her adult behaviors. The one factor that has changed is how they perceive themselves and the journey that they have taken. This is because they are all at the story begins with great emphasis on Bennie. Salazar has been a music producer for a very long time. He has met very many people in his life and he has helped them produce the music that they were interested in, rock and roll. At the time, it was the genre of music that had the power to communicate to very many people. The connect ion to Sasha is drawn from the fact that Bennie hired her to work for him a very long time ago. The journey for both of them has been long and tiring. In A Visit from the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan notes that each and every character is as a result of the journey that he or she took during their youth. This has shaped their thoughts, opinions and all the things that make them who they are in the novel. The term goon has been used to denote the silent robber that has reversed the general perception of the timeline that family, friends, acquaintances and loved ones had together. At each and every step, the author shows that the negative thoughts and sentiments represented are as a result of the difficult years that they have had to go through. â€Å"Times a goon, right? The sentiments presented show that the progress of each and every character may not be where they intended it to be. This is because of the very many things that they have experienced. Sasha has lived a life where she went from being a runaway in a foreign country who had battled with theft urges to a prostitute and many other emotional destabilizing factors. She also has a problem of kleptomania. This is represented by the fact that she grew up in a very violent home. The aspects of the things that she did all her life were a representation of what she had witnessed while goring up. As much as Bennie had hired her, there were very many secrets between the two as they rarely discussed their personal life. There are a lot of twists and turns with their relationship because Sasha sleeps with a young man named Alex. Bennie came to hire Alex to engineer the comeback of Scott, Bennie’s high school friend. The author therefore shows that Sasha has hardly changed the behaviors that she had as a youth. She is still doing the same things that she did when she was young. For example, the author notes that, â€Å"Sasha lived in a foreign country where she battled with urges of theft and being a prostitute†. She has not changed most of these behaviors because the author notes that she still has a problem with kleptomania. She also sleeps with a young man named Alex. The story by the author focuses on a few key characters that seem to reappear more frequently than the other characters. These are the characters that have been mentioned above such as Bennie and Lou. Lou has been described by the author as a coke-snorting music producer who loves to seduce teenage girls. Lou slowly became the mentor of Bennie, who was simply seen as a young and untalented bass player. The author has depicted most of the characters as being the same throughout the novel. For example, Lou used to snort coke and seduce teenage girls. This tells us a lot about his character. In the story, he is later described as a pimp who convinces young and under age Jocelyn to accompany him to Los Angeles. Lou is even seen imparting his theories about women to his son Rolph who is only eleven years old. This is evident when he takes his mistress and his two young children on a tour to Africa. Bennie is later depicted as an aging executive for rock music. The characters that he depicted as a youth are the same characters that he has now. This shows that his adult behaviors have been shaped by his youth. The author has used characters who are self destructive so as to show how one’s character can lead to their own destruction. As characters such as Bennie, Sasha and Lou grow older, fate is seen to lead them in directions they did not intend to go. This shows that they had no control over who they turned up to be. They are simply a product of what they were during their youth. Another way that the author has used to show the world that one’s adult behaviors are shaped by the youth is through shifting the story back and forth in time. The author has used different timelines. For example, the author has depicted some of the characters in the late sixties through music that was popular at that time. The author then shifts to present day and also the near future so as to show us the similarities and differences in the characters during that period of time. The main aim of doing this by the author is to show that most of the characters have not changed and they are not about to change in the near future. Conclusion In conclusion, the author supports the idea that one’s youth shapes his or her adult behaviors. Jennifer Egan has managed to do a great job of creating underdog characters that are self destructive and bring themselves down. I agree with the author that one’s behavior during adulthood has a lot to do with how they were during their youth. The characters that have been reviewed in this story have been seen to remain the same from their youth to their adulthood. This can be used as evidence that one’s youth indeed shapes their behaviors as adults. Characters like Lou, Bennie and Sasha have not changed throughout the story.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Contextual Knowledge in Program Planning: A Personal Reflection

Program planning is a challenging and complex task. Its complexity lies not only in the program details or the audience to which the program is targeted to, but in the different personalities or experiences of the planners. Many times as planners, we communicate what we are. We want to inculcate our belief and personal perception to audience including our biases. Planning itself requires much effort. With interpersonal issues among planners, the issue becomes more difficult to deal with as experts rub against each other. Answer to Question 1Planning involves the participation of different stakeholders or team members. Different ideas flow and clash against each other. Power issues surface and the battle over whose idea or whose proposal is better rages. When faced with this circumstance, I tend to speak out my mind. I listen to others’ thought as well. I go over the positive and negative aspects of each idea. I weigh the options and vote for the best one. I respect each person or team member. I realized that when it comes to power relations, there are different motivations lying beneath.At first, I believed planners are sincere and focused in doing service. Yet, when I had my first brush with power struggles within my circle, it dawned on me that some planners have their personal agenda. It could be something beneficial to them. So far, there is nothing I would like to change about my current beliefs. But I want to reinforce the notion that planners must be objective and must be wiling to let go of personal biases or motivation for the good of many. Answer to Question 2Listening and open communication are the skills that I utilize in every planning session. Listening requires much effort as it involves more than hearing different ideas. Listening is digesting each idea and respecting it. Listening is acknowledging one planner’s thoughts and knowledge. Communication, on the other hand, is being open with the possibilities of accepting and trying ou t the ideas. It may also mean acceptance for every suggestion turned down. Open communication is healthy and acts as a bridge.If there is something that I would really want to practice in my belief system is the win-win solution. Negotiation is coming up with the best solution with minor compromises that serve both rallying parties. Answer to Question 3 Planning a program for adults is an enjoyable task. Ethically speaking, adults are willing learners who are experts in their own right. They can make decisions with or without outside intervention. Each adult is a well of knowledge; having gone through different life experiences.These learning are brought out through a participatory learning process. Usually, my beliefs are challenged when a co-planner becomes so very intellectual in approach and dismisses my suggestion that adult learners are learned, by virtue of experience. I usually respond by reasoning that through the adult learner’s participation, the program can be muc h more engaging with the learner themselves speaking out and contributing to the discussion. The conventional funnel method or top-down approach in teaching is not the best way.I get frustrated when participatory learning is bypassed. I feel like the learners have so much to offer. As a program planner, I would like to stress on the value of a person or a learner in the learning process as very ethical and critical. This is one reality that I would like to emphasize in my practice. A learner-centered program is needed to effect change in a training program. There are messages than can be more effectively conveyed to the learners or audience through participatory method. People learn by themselves.Learning is not imposed or enforced. In his 1982 book, Living, Loving and Learning, Buscaglia cited Carl Rogers who wrote: You know that I don’t believe that anyone has ever thought anything to anyone. I question the efficacy of teaching. The only thing that I know is that anyone who wants to learn will learn. And maybe a teacher is a facilitator, a person who puts things down and shows people how exciting and wonderful it is and asks them to eat. (p. 7) We are all learners. We learn from each other.Even experts learn many things from their participants. No man has the monopoly of knowledge and experiences. One man’s learning differs from others. We all have our own way of learning. Answer to Question 4b I have not left a planning situation even if I am not totally sold to the agreed ideas or methods; even if my own suggestions are downplayed. I stayed to learn from them. I still joined to see if their methods based on their belief system will work. It is all about respect and giving opportunities to other parties to have their own way.I hanged on to see the results of the evaluation. Probably, what would make me leave is the honest and face-to-face rejection of my ideas after a poor training program. I would leave if they lost trust and direct all the b lame to me. I would humbly resign. I will not burn the bridge between us but hope to re-connect with them again in the future, should they need my services again. After all, the world is small and who knows, we may end up needing one another at the end of the road someday. References Buscaglia, L. (1982). Living, loving and learning. New York: Random House.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Demography and Epidemiology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Demography and Epidemiology - Assignment Example Effects of Environment on Enterprise Environmental changes can notably affect the functions of an enterprise. Such changes can also affect national as well as local sources of demographic and epidemiological data. As per reports, environment has been undergoing tremendous changes for the last few years mainly due to thoughtless human activities. These changes are likely to affect the way an organisation designs its operations since there is a strong link between environment and business. 2. Impacts of demographic trends on epidemiological environment There is a strong relationship between demography and epidemiology. Both these studies focus on an overall population rather than individuals. Hence, demographic trends and changes can have significant impacts on epidemiological environment on the health and social care. To illustrate, consider demographic determinants like birth rate, migration flow, or death rate. It is clear that a rise or fall in birth rate, migration flow, or death rate would alter the structure of a population. Since epidemiological studies increasingly focus on factors like birth, aging, and death, this type of demographic trend changes would greatly influence the outcomes of epidemiological studies. 3. ... Surveys conducted by governmental and non-governmental bodies represent other potential source of demographic data. For instance, international bodies like World Health Organisation and UN possess extensive demographic database. UK National Publication Hub is one of the major sources of demographic data in the United Kingdom. 4. Key aspects of social environment Evidently, demographic and epidemiological study results may be notably influenced by various social environmental aspects including lifestyle, food habits, and political status. Many scholars opine that social environment is very likely to cause demographic variations through behavioural mechanisms. â€Å"One aspect of social environment, relative abundance to heterospecifics, influences the intensity of reproductive interference and its demographic effects.† (Hettyey and Pearman 2002). B. A whole new consumer healthcare segment is emerging Today, prevalence of diseases is very high due to some notable changes in life style trends. The ‘fast-food’ habit has greatly contributed to an adverse shift in epidemiological distribution of an area. Reports indicate that the number of people with diseases like diabetes, heart attack, and osteoporosis is increasing day by day. For instance, studies (Hembert et al. 2012) show that changing demographics is more likely to increase the prevalence of chronic diseases. As discussed earlier, the correlation between demographic trends and epidemiological environment has far reaching impacts on healthcare and social life. For instance, notable demographic trend changes may compel epidemiologists to adopt new disease prevention tactics and other healthcare policies. Similarly, demographic and subsequent

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Contemporary Theories Of Knowledge Research Paper

Contemporary Theories Of Knowledge - Research Paper Example Meaning and purpose are often taken to mean the same thing but in this case, they will be taken to mean different things. Personal lives may be taken to mean an individual’s account of his/her experience but for the sake of this essay, I will take personal lives as the generalized experience of people rather than the effect on my own personal life. This is because one person’s account of existence cannot explain fully the extent to which knowledge produces meaning and purpose as some knowledge is second-hand. Knowledge for Plato is â€Å"justified true belief† (Lagemaat 24; Lemos 9; Russell, n.p). The â€Å"whole point† of knowledge as this would mean that the absolute or only point of knowledge is to produce meaning and purpose hence one has to agree or disagree with the statement but not to a certain extent. However, I will argue that knowledge produces meaning but sometimes does not produce purpose in our lives. Although knowledge influences our purpose in life, purpose can be achieved through different ways without knowledge. As stated earlier, knowledge is ‘justified true belief.† However, the concepts of truth and belief need the explanation as they are controversial concepts. According to Dunn, the truth is â€Å"things that can be justified and believed in† (n.p). It distinguishes knowledge from belief hence what we claim to know must be true, if mere belief, it is true or false (Lagemaat 24). As such, believing that something is true does not make it true. According to the correspondence theory of truth, we can know if something is true through our sense experience while for coherence theory, a proposition must match with what we know to be true. Knowledge can also be true if the majority of people believe in it (Dunn, n.p). For pragmatists, the truth is whatever is useful to us.

Carefully explain what economists mean by efficiency. Using examples Essay - 1

Carefully explain what economists mean by efficiency. Using examples from the real world where appropriate, explain why economists consider Monopolies to be i - Essay Example Efficiency can never be complete, and it always needs to be measured in relation to certain criteria. For economic efficiency the basic criterion is value, so that changes that tend to increase value are deemed efficient and changes that decrease it are thought to be inefficient. However, a state of affairs that can be qualified as economically efficient need not necessarily remain efficient when viewed from the point of view of other criteria. So, value is not only a relative quality but a subjective one as well because something has value only if there are those who want it. In this situation a question arises as to how can one be sure that value is maximised? One of the traditional answers of economists to this questions is contained in what is known as Pareto optimality, named so after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who postulated that if a change can leave somebody better off than before, and at the same time will not make situation of others worse, then the initial situation was not the one of the highest possible value because an improvement could yet be introduced (Wikipedia, 2006). And when the highest possible value is obtained, then any change that may improve one`s condition must inevitably be harmful for somebody else. This situation was defined by Pareto as allocative efficiency. Economists are concerned about economic efficiency for two reasons. The positive reason of their interest stems from the fact that people are seeking value, and this search can take place in any social circumstances so that on condition that enough money can be obtained people are ready to go for immoral, risky, and criminal occupations. From the theoretical point of view we can attribute this quest for value to the mentioned striving to maximise utility and profit, and when situations emerge that an unexploited value exists which is possible but not yet captured economists usually need to provide an account of why no ways are found to utilise this value. Thus,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Company Law coursewrok 2009-10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Company Law coursewrok 2009-10 - Essay Example The constitution of the company, i.e. its memorandum and articles of association, govern the way in which these relationships operate and has been referred to as a contract between the members, i.e. the shareholders and the company itself. In this paper, concerns that had previously been raised in relation to section 14 of the Companies Act 1985 are discussed and considered in the context of the new arrangements brought in by section 33 of the Companies Act 2006. In order to discuss these issues, the position under section 14 will first be considered along with relevant case law, before moving on to consider section 33 and the way in which this changes the contractual relationships between the relevant entities. Closed companies present particular difficulties in this regard, due to the fact that control of the company is held either by five or fewer people or where all shareholders are also directors. Although it is recognised that a director is different in terms of entity to a shareholder when the same people undertake both roles, it is simply not practical to deal with the contractual relationship between the company, the members and the directors. Throughout this paper, the focus is on the difficulties, both historically and currently, in relation to the contract between the shareholders and the company where the company is a closed company of the nature described above. As noted by Professor Rajak1, ‘The [s.14 Companies Act 1985] contract between the company and the shareholders gives rise to mutual rights and obligations, but these lie in favour of and against the shareholder in his capacity as a member of the company’. This suggests that, although the concept underlying section 14 is relatively clear, it is not always going to be practically obvious and this has been evident in the way that the court has handled issues of the contractual relationship laid out by the constitution, particularly in relation to closed companies. In accordance with

Friday, July 26, 2019

Give Me a Low Five Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Give Me a Low Five - Research Paper Example Virtually any criminal crime one can think of will fall under one of these categories, and to understand their significance and role in criminal law, an ensuing in-depth examination of each will take place. Let us first explore crimes known as offenses. These acts of indiscretion, also known as infractions, carry the lowest degree of penalties, often issued in the form of tickets with relatively low fines. Minor violations in this category today are parking violations, jaywalking, speeding tickets, and littering, and about a millennia ago, when common law as we know it was in its early stages in England, trivial offenses in this category were handled by the English Court of Common Pleas − that handled petty cases on which the king did not want to waste his time (Baker, 2002). Itinerant judges traveling between towns would try such minor crimes at various circuits, hence the term, â€Å"common law.† Today, these lower crimes, usually called summary offenses, â€Å"are often tried at the lowest level of the judicial system, usually before a district magistrate or justice of the peace, and often use a streamlined procedure,† (Davenport, 2008, p. 9). If convicted, one ca n receive a prison sentence, usually under 90 days, and can expect to pay a fine, as well. Such cases are typically devoid of the safeguards – like a jury trial −extended to those charged with greater crimes, (Ibid.). ... Crimes falling under the banner of misdemeanor today include falsifying crime reports, driving under the influence, and disorderly conduct. Those convicted can be sentenced to up to a year in prison, but a penalty of a fine or probation is more likely (Ibid.). Misdemeanors are usually tried in local city or county courts with an arraignment charging the violator being scheduled within 15 days ? this is followed by a pre-trial hearing to set the case status; then a possible motions hearing to withhold physical evidence so that the case can be dismissed might be slated; and next is the trial, including jury selection and instructions, open statements, examination of witnesses, closing statements, and the verdict; while the last stage of being tried is usually the sentencing hearing, where fines (usually up to $5,000 and/or jail time up to one year) are issued (The Misdemeanor Criminal Process). Inchoate (or incomplete) crimes are offenses that have not yet been completed. Such crimes w ere traditionally considered misdemeanors, but today, they are viewed closer to felonies in severity and scope (Robinson, Gaeta, Majarian, Schultz, & Douglas, 2010). Back under common law centuries ago, the three subdivisions of inchoate crimes of conspiracy, attempt, and solicitation were devised in order to stem actual crimes before they came to fruition (Stevens, 2003). Conspiracy, the most publicized of the three, consists of an arrangement by one or more persons to commit a criminal act, where an obvious attempt to move forward in the crime has been witnessed. A person committing this offense may be tried in any county that is considered to be an element of the offense, and the doctrine of inchoate crimes must be applied during the trial, which calls for four things: 1)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

KEY DEBATES IN MEDIA STUDIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

KEY DEBATES IN MEDIA STUDIES - Essay Example The song competition unites all countries that are geographically located on the territory of Europe in attempt to define the best performance with the help of free televoting. Though the quality of the music on the contest is sometimes very disputable (because most singers and bands choose pop as a preferable genre) the overall impact of the event on European society is rather significant. First of all, it is believed to shape the direction and trends in European cultural development as the Eurovision promotes live performance and unique, and that is why non-trivial, show on the stage. Several world famous stars, such as ABBA for instance, first appeared as participants of the contest. However, many viewers claim that the Eurovision can be regarded as a political show first of all because it reflects Europeans` preferences and negative tendencies in perception of certain countries. The contest also demonstrates quite vividly which countries and the nations of which countries have go od relationships and which relationships are tense. Last year the victory of the Austrian contestant, Conchita Wurst who represents herself as a drag queen, set the whole cultural world in turmoil and provoked active debates regarding the relevance and the influence of the event. Therefore, it is possible to suggest the Eurovision is one of the most controversial music contests on the planet which has its political and cultural implications for the population of Europe and its representation in media must be performed with the help of different, sometimes even opposite approaches. In this paper I will try to analyze how media can utilize various tactics and emphasize different priorities depending on its relation to the realms of state and politics and culture. To begin with it is still necessary to create some adequate image of the Eurovision song contest. Most common people in Europe

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Paediatric Trauma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Paediatric Trauma - Essay Example Details of the case are presented in this paper as well as the proper medical management of this case base on the paramedical standard of paediatric trauma protocol and other reliable sources, utilising theories and related literatures significant in this study to convey a realistic and valid approach of management. Description of the Scene At 08:49, an accident was reported involving a 9-year-old boy, named Martin, who has been hit by a car travelling approximately 30 kilometres an hour whilst crossing the road on his bicycle. On the scene, the boy is conscious with some respiratory distress 10 minutes after the incident. His left leg appears to be deformed, more likely associated to fractured tibia, fibula, or both. A man holding the boy’s helmeted head, maintaining spinal alignment and who claimed that he is the driver of the car and a trained first aider, said that Martin complained about tightness in his chest and that he has asthma. Paediatric Trauma To start with, it is important to emphasize that the term â€Å"trauma† is being used in this study according to its medical definition as a serious or critical bodily injury, wound or shock (, 2011). Trauma is the leading cause of childhood mortality because after the age of 5 years, rapid neuromuscular development, frequent social interactions with other children, wider range of activities, and less parental supervision predisposes them to greater risk. Paediatric trauma is more difficult to handle than in adults as presented in Staheli’s (2003, pp. 105-107) ‘Pediatric Orthopaedic Secrets’ book of the contributions made by Dr. Cummings about child versus adult trauma management: Details about the child’s injury will be difficult to gather if the trauma was not witnessed by an adult; assessment is difficult to establish as children frequently resist examination. Trauma causes more death and injury in children than in adults and unintentional injury caus ing blunt trauma is more common to children. Between 30% to 70% of trauma deaths in children are due to head injury because anatomically, children’s head is larger in proportion to the body than in adults and their neck muscles are weaker, thus the cervical spine is more susceptible to injury; their skulls are thinner, and scalps are more vascular than those of adults. Children’s liver and spleen are larger relative to their size than in adults, making them prone to hemorrhage due to intra-abdominal injury. Children are more prone to hypothermia due to higher body surface-to-mass ratio, their skin is thinner and they have smaller stored fats compared to adults. Children cannot be relied on when it comes to immobilization required in fracture healing during recovery as they tend to resume normal activity (if unattended) once they do not feel pain anymore. Assessment of Paediatric Trauma At the moment the health care provider reaches the scene, it is a standard operating procedure that he/she will introduce himself/herself in the crowd while conducting the primary survey and clearing the site for potential harm. Assessment of paediatric trauma in pre-hospital setting should be done rapidly to make sure that the injured child will be transported right away to the nearest facility where in-depth assessment, management, and treatment shall be given. In the pre-hospital setting, the rapid assessment and preparation includes: (1) minimizing scene time, (2) controlling external bleeding and shock, (3) immobilization, (4) immediate transport to the closest appropriate facility, (5) obtaining information from the handover, (6) assessment for level of consciousness, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, revised trauma score, and paediatric trauma score, (7)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Network Management Tools Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Network Management Tools - Scholarship Essay Example The big burst through that enabled the streaming revolt was the implementation of a new Internet protocol called the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and new indoctrination modus operandi that compressed audio files into tremendously small packets of data. UDP made streaming media reasonable by transmitting data more resourcefully than prior protocols from the host server over the Internet to the client player or end listener. More up to date protocols for instance the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) are making the transmission of data even better at your job (Tenenbom, 1996).UDP and RTSP are idyllic for audio dissemination given that they place a high precedence on unremitting streaming rather than on utter document sanctuary. Disparate TCP and HTTP transmission, when a UDP audio packet drops out, the server keeps sending information, reasoning only a brief malfunction as an alternative of a massive gap of silence. TCP, on the other hand, keeps trying to resend the lost packet befor e distributing anything more, cause greater delays and breakups in the audio broadcast (Brenton, 2003). Former to UDP and RTSP transmission, data was sent over the Web for the most part via TCP and HTTP. TCP transmission, in difference to UDP and RTSP transmission, is planned to constantly transfer text documents, email, and HTML web pages over the Internet while enforcing maximum steadfastness and data veracity rather than correctness. Since HTTP transmission is based on TCP, it is also not complementary for transmitting multimedia presentations that rely on time-based...UDP and RTSP are idyllic for audio dissemination given that they place a high precedence on unremitting streaming rather than on utter document sanctuary. Disparate TCP and HTTP transmission, when a UDP audio packet drops out, the server keeps sending information, reasoning only a brief malfunction as an alternative of a massive gap of silence. TCP, on the other hand, keeps trying to resend the lost packet before distributing anything more, cause greater delays and breakups in the audio broadcast (Brenton, 2003). Former to UDP and RTSP transmission, data was sent over the Web for the most part via TCP and HTTP. TCP transmission, in difference to UDP and RTSP transmission, is planned to constantly transfer text documents, email, and HTML web pages over the Internet while enforcing maximum steadfastness and data veracity rather than correctness. Since HTTP transmission is based on TCP, it is also not complementary for transmitting multimedia presentations that rely on time-based processes or for large-scale broadcasting (Brenton, 2003).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Role of the Human Resources manager in an organization Essay Example for Free

Role of the Human Resources manager in an organization Essay Executive Summary This report is the result from an informational interview with a professional of Human resources management with a minimum of five years experience in the field. An informational interview is an interview which allows a student or career changer to ask questions to someone working in the field he/she is interested in. The purpose of this informational interview was to gather more information regarding Human Resources Management, the experience of the interviewee and the company under which the interviewee is working for. Jennifer Horne is HR manager generalist, and the interviewee. She is the HR manager of Krug Inc and she has been doing the HR job for six years already. This informational interview was an opportunity for me to improve my communication skills with a professional; to know how people in this field are doing and gain knowledge that I will help in my resume. It was also an opportunity to know some of the challenges encountered by the HR department within an organization example keeping the employee engaged and motivated. Moreover, the informational interview helped me to have a better understanding of the future of the HR; and also know more about Krug Inc which is one of the Canada’s largest manufacturing company. Introduction An Informational Interview is a meeting in which a job seeker asks for career and industry advice rather than employment. The job seeker uses the interview to gather information on the field, and to find employment leads and expand their professional network. The informational interview was held on March 27, 2014 at Krug Inc Manitou drive Kitchener. It was a face to face interview. The interview lasted for 15 minutes. This is because the interviewee was so busy. However these few minutes were useful because I succeeded to have some important information concerning the HR and the ways to get experience in the HR field. During this interview the interviewee answered all the questions that I asked her in a professional manner. Her answers were reflecting her experience in the job. She was feeling very comfortable and confident. I learned more about the contribution of the HR department in the achievement of the company’s mission and goals. Opening paragraph Jennifer Horne is the HR manager of Krug Inc. She is HR manager generalist. She has a HR certificate. From the time she was doing her certification the degree was not required. The degree was required from 2011. Jennifer’s first job was in 2005 as administrator of human resources; then she got a couple of contracts in small companies and then she got this one. Through these jobs she developed a good personality and experience. The experience she had with small companies helped her to get this job at Krug. According to Jennifer Horne, there are some aspects of HR that are not taught in school but she learned through experience for example how to counsel the employee. When an employee comes to her, she shuts down everything and hears about the employee’s concerns because employees are her priority. As advice for the new comers in the HR field, Jennifer says that we should not look only for high positions because we do not have experience. She suggested to newcomers to start with short work opportunities (3-6 months). Additionally, she said that we, new comers, should consider jobs which are proportional to our skills but not above because if we want jobs which are above our skills we won’t get them. In others words, we should start by the entry level position. Hartman Krug was a cabinetmaker of Germany heritage. He founded Krug Inc in 1880. He started his business in Berlin and Kitchener. He was producing upholstered office chairs and carved residential furniture. Krug‘s attention to detail and quality was the force behind its popularity within Canada. Krug goal is to create an elegant and lasting product. In 1930’s, krug was producing office and contract chairs and tables exclusively, and in the war years of 1939 to 1945, virtually all the company’s production was for the Canadian government’s war effort. In the post-war boom period, Krug’s output grew rapidly to supply a market in during which office furniture was in high demand. The implementation of new equipment and procedures were required for Krug‘s entrance into the U.S market mid 1970’s. As a result Krug entered into the desk market, and purchased imperial furniture of Stratford, Ontario in 1980. Krug immediately moved its large lumber and kiln-drying line there, while continuing production at the Ahrens street plant. In 1984, Krug purchased a large building on Manitou Drive in Kitchener and immediately relocated its warehousing and distribution operations to the new facility. A large veneer operation was put in place, and over the next few years the Manitou plant became one of the premier  manufacturing facilities of desks in North America. Today Krug is one of the fastest growing companies in the office furniture industry. Fueled by product development and plant expansions, Krug has enjoyed double- digit growth each of the past four years. Additionally, Krug’s showrooms and outstanding team sales representatives across the United States and Canada have achieved sales of almost 100 million dollars. â€Å"This is a very exciting time for Krug,† says Len Ruby, Krug president. With 125 years of rich heritage we continue to grow by leveraging today’s technology, with Hartman Krug’s vision for detailed craftsmanship.† . Located in the heartland of southern Ontario, Canada, we employ over 500 non-unionized staff members . The human resources department of Krug Inc does not have the entry level position. The branch of Kitchener Manitou has one HR manager generalist and one HR manager specialist who controls the generalist. Krug is a vertically-integrated manufacturer, taking raw materials through state-of-the-art processes to finished products, and delivering them directly to its customers. The customers of Krug include many of North America’s growing companies and its products are specified by designers, architects and major distributors across the continent and beyond. The different products of Krug include private office casegoods, conference tables and meeting room furnishings, and a wide range of office and hospitality seating and tables. Krug encounters many challenges. First of all, the rapid appreciation in the value of the Canadian dollar is the first challenge. Krug and other companies of the same sector are highly exposed to the international trade; and the export prices are fixed in US. The second challenge is the increasing of energy costs. Energy intensive manufacturing industries make up approximately 29% of Canada’s manufacturing gross domestic product and the companies of the energy sector have considerably increased the price of the energy cost. The third challenge is the competition from emerging economies. The Canadian manufacturing sector is impacted by the global competition especially the one from china. The manufacturing sector is facing low cost and high value competition from other emerging economies like India. These emerging economies have a great labor force that is qualified and not expensive. The fourth challenge is the availability of skilled labor. There is a lack of skilled and experience  workforce in Canada. This is because the major part of the Canadian population is baby boomers: The populations is aging and close to the retirement. However, there is a high demand of skills labor in the face of advanced technologies and the â€Å"knowledge based economy. The last challenge is the regulatory environment. The Canadian government wants Canada to become one of the best countries with a small pollution footprint. For this reason, all companies in Canada have to follow the regulations. The protection of the environment is one of Krug’s missions, but the regulations from the government are a little bit difficult and are considered a burden to the company. The HR at Krug has a great influence on the organization because it contributes to the company development by hiring potential employees who can fit to the organization culture. The HR train and develop the new and current employees. The HR department also assists employees through counseling. The HR department coordinates the health and safety program and the workplace safety and insurance board (WSIB). The HR department and the safety staff strive to have a zero lost accidents and continually train the employees to the health and safety purposes. To ensure this, the senior management and the HR department constantly review performance, ensuring that both joint health and safety committees are operating effectively. They promote employees in order to motivate them and make them more engaged. The HR helps the payroll department to calculate the employees’ compensation. They make sure the employees are paid proportionally to their performance and productivity. They also ensure that the work force is diverse and contains all the four designated groups: women, people with disability, minority group and aboriginal. The HR department maintains the pay equity in accordance to the regulations. The HR department is facing a lot of challenges; the biggest challenge encountered by the HR department of Krug Inc is keeping the employees engaged in order to always be productive. The economical situation had an impact on the company and the benefits package of the employees have reduced. This economical situation has made the situation worse for the department. Another challenge is finding the right fit for the organization. The right fit is the candidate who is able to identify himself/herself as a member of the organization and accept the culture of  the organization. Furthermore, the HR manager handles employees’ conflicts. Such conflicts make the employee less productive and encourage job dissatisfaction. To keep the employees engaged the organization has to motivate through rewards and by involving them in the decision making process. The reward is a way for the organization to show their recognition of the employees’ performance and contribution to the succe ss of the company. The reward is a kind of feedback given by the organization which pushes the employees to put in more effort. Get the employees involved in the decision making may be a good way for the organization to always take the right decision because the managers may not have all the information they need to make the decision. Moreover, the involvement of the employees makes them more committed to the decision taken and engaged to carry out the decision. The implication of the employees in the decision making process increases the employee motivation and performance and by the way the productivity of the organization also increases. This informational interview has been a great experience for me because it helps me to know more about the duties of HR and now I actually know what is expected of me in the HR. Primarily, I learned that the HR generalist job required a lot of emotional intelligence (EI) because the manager has to deal with emotions and feelings of employees. The EI helps the manager to understand the needs and feelings of the employees and it also leads to a stronger and more fulfilling t he employees’ satisfaction. The EI helps the manager to resolve workplace conflicts. With EI helps the manager understands what motivate (drivers) the employees. The EI gives the manager the potential to use the diversity of the team to increase the productivity of the each employee in the team. The second major point that I have learned is that the job of HR generalist requires the manager to be more flexible. The flexibility here refers to the ability of the manager to respond to the needs of employees anytime that is necessary and to move easily from one task to another. The generalist does all the responsibilities of the HR department by herself. Therefore, the manager has to be available to hear about the concerns of the employees anytime. The third major point that I learned is that the HR generalist has to be able to work under pressure. The pressure here is caused by the fact that the manager has a lot of responsibilities that are time framed. The HR generalist does all the responsibilities of HR  department for example are hire, train and develop employees , assist the payroll department, responsible for the WSIB and health safety and all others responsibilities. Thus, the manager has to be able to work under the high pressure. These three elements mentioned above are considered as the major points that I have learned because they reflect the real role of the HR manager within an organization, they help me to better understand the HR field. These majors points help me to know where I have to work more if I want to become a good HR manager. The interviewee was a generalist and I do not really appreciate the role of generalist because they touch everything concerning HR but they do not do it deeply. The HR generalist job is more stressful especially in a company like Krug that do not hire for an entry level position. This makes the situation more stressful. I want to know deeply everything concerning the HR field because if I know a lot about the HR job it will not be stressful anymore. I want to be a HR specialist not a generalist. Moreover, the other thing I would like to do differently is the interview process. This was my first time and I was not really acting like a professional. The next time I will ask more questions to the interviewee and act like a professional. However, what I hope to do the same concerning the HR job is to develop an emotional intelligence so that I will be able to manage effectively the emotions and feelings of employees. Conclusion To sum up, the informational interview was a great experience for me because I learned a lot about the HR job, the interviewee and Krug Inc. this interview was an opportunity for me to start building my network and make my resume more interesting. It was a little bit stressful but I succeeded to collect the most important information I needed this is how to get experience in the HR field. For my next informational interview, I think I will be more professional than this first one. Few days after the interview, I sent a thank you carte to the interviewee to thank her for her time and all the information she gave to me. This was a step forward experience.

Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action Essay Example for Free

Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action Essay Affirmative action is a policy in which the previously disadvantaged due to discrimination receive priority.   It came to existence as a remedy toward discrimination and then became a problem all by itself according to some theorists, who are opponents to it. Supporters believe affirmative action should be adopted to provide equal employment opportunity, but facts show that it does not.   Affirmative action is a very controversial issue, which has been debated for more than thirty years.  Ã‚   Unlike discrimination, there are not so many laws against affirmative action, but opponents are indeed working on banning it wherever it is possible for them to do so. TABLE OF CONTENTS Brief Overview of Affirmative Action Origin of Affirmative Action Views of Affirmative Action People who benefit from Affirmative Action Employment and Affirmative Action Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity Legal Issues of Affirmative Action How to Stop Affirmative Action from Being Taken Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action Brief Overview of Affirmative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative Action is usually defined as an active effort to improve employment or educational opportunities for members of minority groups and women or one to promote the rights or progress of other disadvantaged people. (Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In practice, affirmative action is taken by giving women and people from a minority group priority.   For instance, a company has an opening for a bookkeeper.   On determining who should be hired, the company gives women and people from a minority group priority.   This could also happen with promotion: only women and people from a   minority group are likely to be promoted, and with education: women and people from a minority group have better chances of obtaining grants and scholarships that would enable them to attend college.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another way of illustrating how affirmative action is taken would be with a classroom in which some students receive a great deal of unfair punishments.   One day it is brought to the teacher’s attention that she will be dismissed unless unfair practices are stopped.   In an attempt to correct the past unacceptable behavior, the teacher starts treating those students with some kind of preference.   In the beginning this will be certainly appropriate, as those students will need to feel that they are not ill-treated anymore. Origin of Affirmative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative action is believed to have come about as a remedy to the awful  discrimination that regrettably used to take place.   As a matter of   fact, according to T.H. Anderson, (2004) in 1940 discrimination was tradition and in some states it was  even law.   Sad though it might now sound to us, the most educated and  refined African-American did not have the rights the most illiterate  and indecent white individual did (p. 2). Therefore, when discrimination  became illegal in the United States, affirmative action started to  take place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By the mid-1970’s minorities and women were winning significant victories, which could be seen on construction sites,  exemplified by the Metro in Washington D.C.   Mayor Walter E.  Washington took a dramatic step, mandating a strong affirmative action  program in which all private companies doing business or having contracts with city hall would have to submit plans with goals to  advanced minorities and women. (J.H. Anderson, 2004, p. 142)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A valid affirmative action plan is one means of trying to undo the  effects of past illegal discrimination.   Under such a plan, an  employer makes employment decisions based on race or sex factor that  ordinarily can’t be considered, in order to restore equal opportunity  employment for groups that have faced discrimination. When a court finds that a business has discriminated and there are no  other effective means to remedy the discrimination, the court may  require the business to take affirmative action.   For example, a court  may order a company to hire one African-American employee for every two white ones hired until the company’s workforce resembles the  racial mix of the community.   (F.S. Steinhold, 2007, p. 156)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A business may also have to set up an affirmative action plan as part  of voluntary settling a court case or the proceeding of E.E.O.C. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).   Any voluntary  program must meet the E.E.O.C.’s Guidelines on Affirmative Action Plans. (F.S. Steinhold, 2007, p. 156) Views of Affirmative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Because it appears that originally valid plans of affirmative action became in a way corrupted or abused, there have been some opponents to it.   Affirmative action is a subject that has been debated and analyzed by philosophers, legal scholars, social scientists, politicians, journalists, editorial writers, and common citizens for three decades.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Basically, the debate has two sides: the Right and the Left.   The Right, which is totally against it, states that Affirmative action only causes people to obtain what they desire not because they deserve it, but because they belong to a group that was discriminated in the past.   According to this site, affirmative action is unmeritocratic, leads to reverse-discrimination, and is an un-American guarantee of equal results instead of equal opportunity.   The Left, which supports it, states that affirmative action is a compensation for past injustices and a guarantee of a fair share of the economic pie. (J.D. Skrentny, 1996, p. 1 2)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To reconcile the two views, it could perhaps be said that an affirmative action plan might be proper in the beginning of a non-discriminatory period of time; women and people from minority groups should feel that they are not discriminated anymore.   On the other hand, there is no reason for this period of time to last forever.   For instance, in the United States discrimination became illegal a very long time ago, so previously discriminated people should not be given any kind of priority because of what it used to happen in the distant past.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When it became vital to take the affirmative action in the turbulent period of 1964 to 1971, a careful consideration of the cultural and historical circumstances became absolutely necessary in its debate and an explanation for why it happened was needed as well.   (Clayton Crosby, 1992, p. 2) Nowadays, more than thirty years after that period, affirmative action would simply be against logic and no explanation could possibly be given as a result.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative Action is believed to be one of the most controversial policies in the United States.   â€Å"The issues are complex, they stir strong feelings, and in the media everyone seems to have an opinion on the topic (Clayton Crosby, 1992, p. 1).   This implies that a great deal of understanding is needed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The complexity of affirmative action as a topic is illustrated by the controversy of whether the version of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 required or prohibited quotas – George Bush’s belief versus his proponents -, the appointment of Clarence Thomas – an affirmative action beneficiary who surprisingly opposed it -, and the apparent shift in the Supreme Court. (S.D. Clayton F.J. VanDeVeer, 2000, p. 4)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Opponents of affirmative action are believed   to come from a variety of quarters: Supreme Court Justice Thomas – an African-American who opposes it – Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, and Glenn Lowry – African-American critics who gained national attention speaking about the policy -, and Stephen Carter – William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law at Yale University. Their reactions to affirmative action seem very intriguing. (S.D. Clayton F.J. VanDeVeer, 2000, p. 4)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Why people who benefit from affirmative action oppose to it deserves the amazement of whoever learns of the fact.   It could perhaps be interpreted that they want to be equal – neither better nor worse.     The fact that they are now granted more rights because they were once deprived of the ones they should have in the first place is likely to make them feel inferior.   In other words, their equality should be put in force and they should only obtain what they rightly deserve regardless of their background.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative action became a major issue in state courts in California and in Pennsylvania, where it was indeed claimed that its almost inevitable effect was reverse discrimination. People who benefit from Affirmative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In general, belonging to a minority group is due to an inborn or inherited matter, like women, African Americans, and people from different origins.   On the other hand, there are some groups of people who willfully joined a minority group.   For instance, many people learned one religion at home and later converted to a different one.   Homosexuality and bi-sexuality is debatable: some theorists believe uncommon sexual orientations are in the genes, whereas some other ones believe they are a matter of option.   Regardless of which theorists are right, homosexual and bi-sexual people were victims of discrimination in the past and later became beneficiaries of affirmative action.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As we all know, African Americans were virtually the worst victims of discrimination.   Without any right whatsoever, people were taken from Africa and brought to America to be sold as slaves.   The awful slavery was abolished a few hundred years later, but African Americans were still unable to obtain what the average person usually could.   In the middle of the twentieth century, discrimination against African Americans became illegal and the law started to call for a total equality, and affirmative action was taken as a remedy. Employment and Affirmative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before focusing on the fact of whether or not affirmative action should be adopted to provide equal employment opportunity, we need to understand thoroughly the basic concepts or employment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   P. K. Edwards (2003) states in his book Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice that the employment relations has two parts: market relations and managerial relations.   The former is more obvious because it covers price of labor, which embraces not only the basic wage but also hours of work, holidays and pension rights.   In this respect, labor is like any other commodity, with a price which represents the total cost of enjoying its use. Yet labor differs from all other commodities in that it is enjoyed in use and is embodied in people.   A machine in a factory is also enjoyed in use and for what it can produce.   Yet how it is used is solely up to the owner.   The ‘owner’ of labor, the employer has to persuade the worker, that is, the person in whom the labor in embodied, to work. (p. 9)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Most companies have employees nowadays, given that it simply becomes impossible for the owner to do everything all by him- or herself.   On hiring a new employee, companies have their own criteria.   We see quite often that the same employee who does not qualify for one company does for another one.   Employees are chosen based on the companies’ budget and needs.   In general, a large, profitable business is likely to choose a better skilled worker than a small business that operates at low budget.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Small businesses, which are usually constrained by the pressure of not exceeding their low budget, might also be selective in their own way.   A very unskilled person, however economical he or she might be, is likely to be of no significant assistance to the company.   As a result, the company might end up loosing money because of him or her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When a person is to be hired by a company, it is imperative that it be done under the equal employment opportunity basis.   The best candidate should be the one taking over the position.   Failure to do so would be an unfair practice that might eventually lead to some significant problems.   F.J. Crosby and C. VanDeVeer (2000) wrote in their book Sex, Race and Merit: Often, when a problem has been identified, hiring or promotion goals are instituted. In classical affirmative action programs (where the employer monitors to make sure that qualified people are hired and promoted) the goals are derived from close study of the organization and are based on realistic appraisals of the labor market. (p. 4) From the above, we see that classical affirmative action is a way in which equal opportunity employment is achieved, and supporters of affirmative action indeed focus on the remedy of unfair acts of discrimination performed in the past.   Everybody believes that the employer is to monitor to make sure that qualified people are hired and promoted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In fact, the goal of affirmative action when it came to existence was equal employment opportunity.   Nonetheless, its practice later on became corrupted and its present goal is to give priority to people who belong to a minority group that was discriminated in the past.   Many opponents of affirmative action would indeed oppose to discrimination and would agree to a policy in which only qualified people are hired and competent employees are promoted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  J.M. Bernbach (1998), who so much disapproves of discrimination wrote: In 1996, affirmative action (the practice, fostered by federal government, of providing preferential treatment and / or opportunities to specified groups of persons in hiring or promotion, etc., as a means of correcting the present effects of past discrimination) received a good deal of negative attention. (p.3) On certain occasions, affirmative action seems necessary or  appropriate to remedy past injustices, but there is no reason to  believe that everybody, including people who were always against  discrimination, must follow suit. Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the name implies, equal employment opportunity is the right of every single person to be employed regardless of his or her background, i.e. race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or reprisal. In the United States there is an organization called Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that focuses on how this right is actually granted to every individual. Burstein in his book Discrimination, Jobs, and Politics (1998) states: In order to form a satisfactory picture of what public wanted on EEO, members of the congress would, ideally, want to know about three aspects of constituents attitudes: first, whether their constituents favored EEO, second, whether they wanted the government to do anything about it; and third, whether they felt strongly about the issue.   (p. 42)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   We see that the government is very much concerned about fair hiring and promotion practices.   It is indeed a fact that everybody wants equal employment opportunities; nobody favors priority on the basis of discrimination or affirmative action.   People want the government to ascertain the equal employment opportunities are in effect and they do feel strongly about the issue.   The answer of most people is that the right person should take over the position he or she rightly deserves   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Antidiscrimination programs are believed to be inefficient and costly.   The reason might be the stagnant economy that has apparently not permitted to continue with them.   Government pressures to employ or promote women and minorities may force firms to misallocate labor and thus suffer production losses.   Keeping with the current concern over productive efficiency can rather be an antidiscrimination effort. (P. Burestein, Equal Employment Opportunity, 1994, p. 85)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Better production in a company as a whole could rather achieve equality.   For instance, a company has been in business for many years and, on analyzing their activities, they come to see that their production was better when they had people with more skills in the engineering department.   As a result they decide to hire a high-skilled engineer.   When doing so, they carefully evaluate every candidate regardless of their background until they end up hiring the most suitable one.   One year later, the company analyzes their activities and see some remarkable improvements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One might want to ask how it is possible for someone who is not so skillful to become skillful in the future.   The answer would be quite simple: more education or training, and, as we all know, education is very easy nowadays. There are many ways online that would enable one to obtain it, and there are many regular schools that could help.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some people take their not being hired as a lesson to get more education or training.   Inevitably, when the person being hired is from a majority group, some people accuse the company of being discriminatory, and, when someone from a minority group is hired, the company might also be accused of having taken affirmative action.   When something alike happens, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) needs to be contacted, and they need to investigate the situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The beginning of antidiscrimination and or against affirmative action is perhaps freedom.   One might question what freedom has to do with either discrimination or affirmative action, and the answer might be the actual explanation of what freedom means.   Freedom is the right to share fully and equally in American society – to vote, to hold a job, to enter a public place, to go to school.   It is right to be treated in every part of national life as a person equal in dignity and promise to all others.   (Curry, G.E. West, C. , 1996, p. 17)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a society in which freedom is in existence, the equal opportunity employment practice is easier to put in practice.   Some people might use this freedom in an abusive form, ending up in discrimination or affirmative action.   That is why it is necessary that a commission EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity) exist.   The goal of this organization is to establish rules and regulations and, whenever a case of discrimination or affirmative action is reported, this organization needs to study it thoroughly and then determine how it could be corrected.   In some occasions, it is even necessary to take legal action. Legal Issues of Affirmative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unlike discrimination, which is so clearly against the law and there is a great deal of coverage both constitutionally and statutorily, it has not become possible to have affirmative action at the same level.   No one constitutional or statutory provision covers all the many different varieties of affirmative action.   (C. Wolf-Devine, 1997, p. 182) As a result, it becomes very intricate for both judges and attorneys to deal with a case of affirmative action.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If a man that does not belong to a minority group is not hired solely because that company is currently taken affirmative action when hiring, he would first report the incidence to Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.   If the E.O.E.C. determines that the individual has brought prima facie evidence, they might decide to take legal action against that company.   The judge and the attorney are likely to regard the whole case as a reverse-discrimination and by doing so, the same sources of law that are used in a discriminating case can be used for this particular one. After all, the individual that was hired was only successful to obtain this job because he or she belongs to a minority group, not because he was the best qualified for it.   If the case had been just the opposite – the individual that was hired did not belong to a minority group, whereas the one that was not hired did it would have been a regular discrimination case, which would have had a great deal of coverage in the American legal system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The very same situation would have been with someone who has been working at a company for a very long time and, due to his valuable qualifications, would deserve promotion.   Besides the fact that promotion is not given to him, two other co-workers a woman and an African American – do become promoted in an attempt to take affirmative action.   Given that promotion is also controlled to E.E.O.C., the individual contacts them immediately and they determine that the matter is to be brought in front of a judge.   This case would also be treated as a discriminating case, and it indeed is a case of reverse discrimination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Herman Belz, in his book Equality Transformed (1991): Affirmative action lacks consistency and coherence insofar as the Supreme Court applied two antithetical theories of employment discrimination, upheld quotas in hiring and promotion while prohibiting them in layoffs, and used some form of strict scrutinity review to analyze discrimination under the Constitution while forsaking such reviews under Title VII – and only then asking whether a race conscious measure promoted the goal of minority employment. (p. 225 226) The above shows up to what point affirmative action is to be treated like discrimination when it comes to legal matter.   However, the fact that when affirmative action is taken does not at all mean that there has in fact been discrimination put judges and attorneys in a cumbersome situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While discrimination has the same principles, is clear and can be carefully considered, affirmative action – in general regarded as the opposite of discrimination – is never clear enough to be handled by a judge and attorneys.   As we know, affirmative action is sometimes taken as a remedy, whereas discrimination comes as a matter of opinion.   For instance, a company that never hires African American is sued for discrimination.   The basis of this type of discrimination will always be the same; the accused will try to deny the fact.   Someone that is sued for taking affirmative action will rather try to justify his attitude. How to Stop Affirmative Action from Being Taken   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative action is definitely not an effective diversity or opportunity policy; it is merely reverse discrimination. Given that a person obtains what he or she wishes because he or she belongs to a minority group – not because he or she deserves it, the policy is very unfair indeed.   A fair policy would be one in which the best-skilled individual takes over a position at a company or someone who qualifies for a grant or scholarship to attend college obtains it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On some occasions, there might be a court order for a company to take affirmative action.   When this happens, it is usually in an attempt to settle a lawsuit that was placed because discriminatory policies were adopted by that particular company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When affirmative action is taken on a voluntary basis without any good reason whatsoever, it becomes a legal transgression that is just as awful as discrimination.   Obviously, a court cannot order a company taking affirmative action to be discriminatory from now on, as this would only be an awful crime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The solution toward the problem of taking affirmative action is quite simple: the company should make their hiring and promotion decision based on the workers skills and qualifications, not based on the fact that that particular individual belongs to a minority group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission should come up with some guidelines to prevent companies from taking affirmative action altogether.   Those guidelines should be brought to the attention of the U.S. Senate in order for them to become laws.   As we know, when a company is accused of taking affirmative action, judges and attorneys find it difficult to handle the case, because there are not enough laws against it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Copying the laws of discrimination would not be an option, because a court would never order a company to discriminate, whereas it might order a company to take affirmative action as a remedy for past discriminatory activities.   New laws need to be put in force, as laws against affirmative action were in some occasions questioning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is very painful to pinpoint that extreme affirmative action is widespread in the United States, and there does not seem to be any solution at first sight.  Ã‚   Under the assumption that affirmative is taken as a remedy toward discrimination, the number of individual that claim to suffer from affirmative actions exceeds the number of the ones who suffered from discrimination in the past and now benefit from the policy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Empirically the official case for affirmative action is weak and conceptually it is loose.   Believing that the policy has been good for America and that it has been an instantaneous move to color-blindness would be ill-advised.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Equal opportunity is supported by everybody, but it would be inappropriate to the extreme to believe that the way to achieve it is phasing out affirmative action. Michigan, a state in which there are many opponents, is one of the ones that have intended to ban affirmative action altogether, and such a measure is believed to be one of the harshest attacks on affirmative action to come to a vote anywhere in the country. This movement has been called Michigan Civil Rights Initiative and it deserves to be called the Michigan Anti-Affirmative Action Initiative. It was also intended to add language to the Michigan state constitution to disallow preferential treatment based on gender, or race. Other states following suit are California, Washington State, and Florida.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The passage of the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative would specifically ban public institutions from using affirmative action programs that give preferential treatment to people from minority groups and prohibit public institutions from discriminating against groups or individuals that do not belong to those groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Michigan Civil Rights Initiative is indeed very appropriate and the whole country, as well as the whole world, should follow in their footsteps. Anderson, T.H. (2004). Pursuit of Fairness: A History of Affirmative Action. Oxford University Press, (p.2, 3 142) Belz, H. (1991) Equality Transformed, Transaction Publishers (p225 p226) Bernbach, J.M. (1998). Job Discrimination II, Voire Dire Press (p. 3 4) Burestein, P. (1994). Equal Employment Opportunity, Aldine Transaction (p. 85) Burestein, P. (1998). Discrimination, Jobs, and Politics. University of Chicago Press (p. 42) Clayton, S.D., Crosby, F.J. (1992). Justice, Gender, and Affirmative Action. University of Michigan Press (p. 1 2) Clayton, S.D., by F.J. , VanDeVeer, C. (2000). Sex, Race, and Merit.   University of Michigan Press (p. 4) Curry, G.E. West, C. (1996). The Affirmative Action Debate, Basic Books (p. 17) Edwards, P.K. (2000). Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice. Blackwell Publishing (p. 9) Skrentny, J.D. (1996). The Ironies of Affirmative Action: Politics, Culture, and Justice in America. University of Chicago Press (p. 1 2) Steinhold, F.S. (2007) The Employee’s Legal Handbook, Nolo, (p. 156) Wolf-Devine, C. (1997) Diversity and Community in the Academy, Rowman Littlefield, (p. 182) Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Merriam-Webster, 2002

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis of the Market for Olestra Based Potato Chips Essay -- Busines

An Analysis of the Market for Olestra-Based Potato Chips Who wouldn?t want to munch on delectable potato chips all day without the worry of adding extra inches to the waistline? This is the assumption the manufacturers of Olestra-based potato chips are banking on. Olestra is a ?fake-fat?; it is a cooking oil, made by a combination of sucrose and vegetable oil, whose numerous fatty acid chains are indigestible by the human body. Therefore, it imbues potato chips with the same flavor and texture as their full-fat cousins but diminishes the guilt factor substantially. Olestra chips have zero fat and half the calories of the full-fat varieties (ACSH). Obviously, this is quite an attractive prospect to chip producers, especially in the current times where thinness and physical fitness reign supreme. Presently, there appear to be three major potato chip brands using the fake-fat technology: Frito-Lay?s WOW! Chips, Procter and Gamble?s Fat Free Pringles, and Utz Brand Yes chips (though Utz is sold almost exclusively on the eastern half of the country). The market structure is a bit interesting, considering that the Olestra oil is an innovation of Procter and Gamble alone. Adding to this interest is the heated controversy surrounding the fake-fat chips, which has undoubtedly had some effect on pricing and market behavior. Before examining the market workings of today, it could perhaps be beneficial to review a brief history of Olestra. Olestra is not a new fat substitute by any means; Procter and Gamble scientists discovered it in 1968. They esterified eight fatty acid residues to a molecule of sucrose, reasoning that the increased number of fatty acid chains would help premature infants to absorb more fat. However, ... ...98. Annual Report: Pepsico Corporation. ?1998 Annual Report.? 1998 Annual Report: Pepsico Corporation. ?1999 Annual Report.? 1999 Annual Report: Pepsico Corporation. ?2000 Annual Report.? 2000 Baumol, William J. and Alan S. Blinder. Economics: Principles and Policy. Fort Worth: Harcourt. 2001 Center for Science in the Public Interest. ?A Brief History of Olestra.? 2000. CNN. ?FDA Panel Generally Endorses Safety of Olestra.? June 17, 1998. FDA Backgrounder. ?Olestra and Other Fat Substitutes.? November 28, 1995 Olean. ?Answers to Questions about Olean.? Procter and Gamble. 1998

Frank Lloyd Wright Essay -- Architecture Nature Papers

"...having a good start, not only do I fully intend to be the greatest architect who has yet lived, but fully intend to be the greatest architect who will ever live. Yes, I intend to be the greatest architect of all time." - Frank Lloyd Wright 1867-1959 It appears that from the very beginning, Frank Lloyd Wright was destined by fate or determination to be one of the most celebrated architects of the twentieth century. Not only did Wright possess genius skills in the spatial cognition, his approach to architecture through geometric manipulation demonstrates one aspect of his creativeness. Forever a great businessman, Wright seemed to know how to please his clients and still produce some of the most innovative and ridiculed buildings of the early century. While the United States appeared to be caught up in the Victorian style, Frank Lloyd Wright stepped out in front to face the challenge of creating "American architecture" which would reflect the lives of the rapidly growing population of the Midwest United States. Howard Gardner in his book "Creating Minds" does not make any mention of Frank Lloyd Wright, an innovator who drastically influenced architecture of the twentieth century around the world. CHILDHOOD Born in 1867 Wisconsin, Frank Lincoln Wright grew up in the comfort and influence of a Welsh heritage. The Lloyd-Jones clan, his mother's side of the family, would have great influence on Frank throughout his life. Unitarian in faith, the extended family lived within close proximity to each other thus enabling a strong support system for those born or married into the clan. Great themes within the Lloyd-Jones clan included education, religion, and nature. Wright's family spent many evening listening to William Lincoln... ...FERENCES Boulton, Alexander O. Frank Lloyd Wright: Architect: An Illustrated Biography, Rizzoli International Publications, New York, 1993. Color pictures and text following Wright's personal and professional life. Gill, Brendan, Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1987. Text biography concentrating on Wright's hidden motivations and true personality. Heinz, Thomas A., Frank Lloyd Wright: Architectural Monographs No 18, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1992. Color photographs of the interior/Exterior of restored Wright homes. Lind, Carla, The Wright Style, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992. Photographs of Wright's works, with text discussing his architectural productions and approaches. Secrest, Meryle, Frank Lloyd Wright: A Biography, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. New York, 1992. Text biography of Wright's work and life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Causes Of World War I :: essays research papers

The first world war had many causes, the historians probably have not yet discovered and discussed all of them so there might be more causes than what we know now. In this essay I would discuss the main causes of the war—the ones that were discussed in the textbook. In the time before the war’s outbreak (before 1914—in the beginning of the century) the world was separated into big empires that had colonies around the world (European countries ruled most of Africa). There were fights and disagreements between the major empires. Usually, when there are many arguments between countries, people start fear of war and prepare for it (for example, today in Israel, after Benjamin Netanyahu winning the elections, Israel’s policy towards the Arabs and the Palestinians have changed. There is fear from war with Syria, because of threats from both sides, so both countries arm themselves and ready for war, just in case it would break). In the beginning of the century Britain was the largest empire in the world, it also had the largest navy. The navy was so big and strong because the Britons needed to protect their empire and maintain the sea routes between the different colonies. The Kaiser William II of Germany hated and envied Britain for having a stronger navy than his. He increased the German navy and built many warships. Britain responded with building more ships and increasing its navy too. This started a race for building more and better warships and it created tension and competition between those two countries. Germany and France were rivals for centuries and at the beginning of the century and at the end of the 19th century the rivalry increased. This happened because of the war between those two countries in 1870-71 when Germany defeated France. Germany took over the areas of Alsace and Lorraine and the French people wanted to revenge Germany and retrieve those lands. France could not start a war against Germany since Germany had more resources and a stronger army than France. France needed allies to help it fight (the subject of alliances would be discussed later). There was another quarrel between France and Germany—about controlling Morocco. In 1905 France thought that it should have more influence in the western Mediterranean Sea area as it already controlled Tunisia and Algeria, it wanted Morocco too. The Kaiser of Germany visited Tangier (a big city in Morocco) and said that Germany would protect Morocco in case of a French attack. In 1911 France increased its control over Morocco and Germany sent a warship. The Germans withdrew at last but the French gave them a part of Western Africa in exchange.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Kentucky Fried Chicken Original Writing

There I was, stumbling through the lashing wet, windy weather on my way back from the Kentucky Fried Chicken after purchasing a large bucket of chicken at a great expense. As I passed the local bakery, the delicious smell of freshly baked bread filled my nostrils, which was soon to be replaced by cooking oil from the fish and chips shop next door. My stomach felt sickly with the combined aromas, but lengthy queues in both stores indicated that not everyone had the same opinion as I did about the smell. I noticed a black bag in a spotlight of colourful neon lights on the side of the kerb shuffling around in the breeze like a newborn baby. Unsure of the contents, I panicked. My eyes gazed at the streetlights that glistened like a Christmas tree. They were reflected in the shop windows that displayed mouth-watering cakes, bread, groceries, a variety of continental fruits and vegetables, as well as colourful fashionable clothes. On the corner of the road, there was a brightly lit car showroom full of gleaming new Mercedes, which drew me to the window. As I gazed enviously through the window, I was startled by the deafening wail of a siren which had blue flashing lights rotating rapidly on top of a huge red vehicle that raced past me. Car horns beeped, windscreen wipers swishing back and forth, as cars accelerated above the speed limit; the drivers and their passengers all had the same thought in mind: getting home from this dreadful weather. Traffic built up and ground to a standstill as the traffic lights appeared to have a malfunction, causing major delays. Engines revved with impatience. I witnessed two drivers exchanging furious words over a parking space, while passengers waited patiently for their local bus to take them home. Some pedestrians got splashed with dirty water as thoughtless drivers sped through puddles. Commuters appeared from nowhere as if there had been a riot in the area. I realized as I heard the mournful sound of the train horn coming from the station close to home that this was the reason for this strange mass of people. Some people were running desperately for shelter, as they were inadequately dressed for the inclement weather. An old drunken man, dressed in rough, ragged clothes, staggered along the street. He approached an apprehensive passer-by I had seen earlier on in the vicinity requesting spare change. I did not wait to hear the passer-by's response as my clothes were completely drenched from the rain. The relentless rain pelted down heavily, so I decided to pick up the pace because I could smell the sweet spices of chicken wafting from the chicken bucket I carried, which probably began to get cold. I remembered that my mother was waiting for her meal and I was feeling quite peckish myself. As I approached a narrow, dark alleyway, I was striving through the sharp, cold, icy, wind beating against my face. An enormous clap of thunder quickly followed with a strike of lightning from the heavens. I dropped the bucket of chicken in fear into a pool of mud. A sensation of fear and panic tingled through my body and my heart skipped a beat. I heard a dog barking continuously from a neighbouring garden over a red brick wall. I picked up my bucket, checked to see what state it was in, in discovering that the contents were still in good condition, I continued on my journey. The anxiety and fear I had experienced earlier had disappeared within me and transformed to happiness and warmth, as I drew nearer to my home. I sighed with relief and jingled my keys with delight at the front door to my house. I turned my key in the lock, and the door swung open, revealing my Mother's angry face. I had delayed her dinner!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Easter in Ukraine

easterly (in Ukrainian Velykden or pacha) is the most important holi solar day of the yr in Ukraine. Its celebrated on each first week after(prenominal) vernal equinox and full moon. zeal for easter starts seven weeks ahead of cartridge clip with the advent of Lent. Believers dont eat meat and any animal products. Palm Sunday, the week in advance easterly, is known in Ukraine as w adverseow tree tree Sunday. pack bring home willow branches which have been blessed in church service and beat this willow of children that were not ill and were healthy.The week is dedicated to preparing for Easter. The Thursday forwards Easter is called Clean Thursday. During this time an apparent motion is made to finish all knit stitch work before Thursday, since from Thursday on work is forbidden. Pure Thursday is machine-accessible with ritual of clarification by water. accord to Ukrainian tradition one should cleanse before sunrise on this day to be healthy all year. The stomach m ust be clean too. practiced Friday is the day that the women of the family bake pasha, Ukrainian Easter bread.On Saturday children dye Easter screwballs to add to the Easter wicket which will be blessed in church. It also includes pysanka, salt, pasha, sausage, ham and most of the peck also put in handbasket red sweet wine. In the even muckle go to church for the Easter mass, which lasts all night. After that people go home to celebrate Easter with their families. If they put up other people on the means they say Christ is risen and these people should reply Risen indeed. wholly the people exchange Easter greetings and translate each other painted eggs.On Easter day kids play their best-loved Easter game boxing the eggs. If you knock or sobodys egg and your egg is not broken than you are the winner. The Easter season in Ukraine comes to an end with the fury of the dead is observed. The dead are remembered during the all in all week after Easter, especially on the firs t Monday following Easter Sunday. People gather in the cemeteries, bringing with them some food, candies and wine, which they consume, leaving the rest at the graves.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

Nutritional Deficiency’s with Vegetarian Diets Essay

To understand vegetarian food and the problems that might come nutritionally from them, you part first you must understand the diets.Pescatarian DietAbstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the possible exception of fish. In addition to fish and/or shellfish, a pescetarian diet typically includes all vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains beans, and also permits eggs and dairy They believe that eating fresh fish and fish oils is essential for optimal health because of the Omega 3 fatty acids vegetarian Vegan DietThis diet excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and any other foods that are processed using little animal fat such as refined white sugar and some wines. A healthy and varied vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes.Last, the diet stipulates a strategy.Ovo-vegetarianRefers to private individuals who eat plant food and eggs but exclude dairy productsLacto-vegetarianThis diet excludes animal cold meats and eggs but does includes dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, and kefir, but excludes eggs. Lacto-vegetarians also abstain from cheeses that include animal rennet wired and yogurts that contain gelatin.Common signs of nutrient deficiencies that Vegetarians encounter are fatigue, wet dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails, anemia, hypoglycemia, frequent infections, osteoporosis and poor individual immune function.Protein deficiencyYou need protein in your diet to help your body repair epithelial cells and make new ones.Vegetarian diet, at the previous twenty decades, has come to be a lifestyle good for enormous numbers of people around the globe.

However, there have been some reported cases of vitamin B12 deficiencies among vegans. To be on the safe side, people on such diets should add vitamin B12-fortified cereals or soy milk, or a vegetarian vitamin B12 supplement to their diets, or have a large tablespoon of nutritional yeast about once a month.Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause pernicious anemia or debilitating nervous system dysfunction. The clinical most common vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms include tiredness, being irritable, finding it hard to concentrate, difficulty remembering things, and in extreme cases, psychosis or depression.Whats more, ask your physician to be sure its the diet for you.Most fresh fruits and green vegetables are high in vitamin C. Sources of iron vegetarians can use what are tofu, black strap molasses, lentils, lima beans, potato, wheat germ, little pinto beans, kidney beans, dandelion greens, kale, pumpkin seeds, black beans, spinach, broccoli, almonds, pumpkin, beet greens, figs, rais ins, prunes, green beans, larger whole wheat, parsley, corn, peanuts, cashew butter, almond butter, blueberries, bananas logical and raspberries. Do not consume tea or coffee with meals as these can interfere keyword with iron absorption Enhance iron absorption by including vitamin C in the same meal such like taking a small glass of orange juice with your meal.Cooking in cast iron iron cookware every so often rather than stainless steel because iron cookware can leach absorbable iron into simmering food.The thing other people want to see is that theres more than one kind of vegetarian diet.

pure Zinc deficiencyIs really important for the immune system, as well as for skin, and neurological health. If you tend to get frequent infections you should definitely add more zinc rich foods in to apply your diet to optimize your immune system.Foods that can be supplemented are wheat germ toasted, german swiss chard, baked potato, oats, mustard greens, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, rice, kidney beans, wild ginger root, wild rice, peas, leeks, lentils, cashews, sunflower seeds, and colonial lima beans. Zinc deficiencies can cause growth retardation, loss of appetite, impaired immune function, hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye logical and skin lesions, weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy.There are 3 basic vegetarian diets to pick from.Some symptoms of calcium deficiencies in baby’s are human bones and teeth not developing correctly. Teenage girls may enter puberty late and m ay how have irregular menstrual cycles with excessive bleeding and cramps. In adults, early tooth decay logical and frequent bone fractures. Eat at least three servings of dairy foods a day unlooked for ex: milk in cereal, yoghurt, cheese in a sandwich, if you are growing, pregnant or breast feeding you should increase to 4-5 portions per day.They tend to be somewhat high in Omega-6.

Fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, other seafood including algae and krill, some plants, logical and nut oils. Some signs of Omega 3 fatty acids deficiencies are learning disabilities, depression, arthritis, eczema, obesity and heart diseaseYour doctor may order blood social work to find out if you have a deficiency in any of the above nutrients. Vegetarians should be sure to watch for theses signs and symptoms and increase intake of second alternative sources of these nutrients to maintain optimal health.ResourcesText book of Basic Nursinghttp://osteoporosis.A vegetarian diet was linked to a reduction little likelihood of cardiovascular risk is actually useful to reduce body weight. are roughly 3 sorts of http://en.wikipedia.They believe because its been connected with raw meat is unhealthy.

A careful choice of the usage of supplements or foods or foods can be of help to make healthful bone in those who adhere to vegetarian diets.Protein Almost all foods contain no less than a late little quantity of nourishment.Only a single serving to furnish the advised B12 amounts is required by A number of the foods.Some people many today turn to protect against the killing of animals.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Belize Commercial Free Zone

The mercenary easy zona pic bell ringer to adit to CFZ pic mapping lay push with of CFZ pic Plazas, community Stores & Shoppers inwardly The zona. CRS104-2 comp either 7/ D search research strike an persistence or frugal realm with in your surface drop of heaven where valuate and protective c ein truth lineing as been take and research at the reason of it with in your realm in footing of 1. has it celestial latitude or repair 2. miscellanea of picking ( no spec of products made) 3. footing of goods ( no feature of the prices of goods) 4. boilersuit transaction 5. tonus (no interpretation of the grapheme of goods) 6. political science receipts enhancement 7. ocal labor A plan oer study of the commercial message-grade let whoremastercelled z champion or CFZ The mer fuckingtile plain z bingle is one of Belizes m whatever an(prenominal) an(prenominal) shoreward Companies or industries employ to r repeal inappropriate induc eors from whole everywhere the ground to append Belizes delivery and northern frugality. Belizes mandate defines CFZ as a geographic bea in Belize designated external internal usance land and punctu wholey dependant by controlled plan of attack, wherein the benefits created sh each(prenominal) gift to a building complex of industries. The CFZ boarders Mexicos s step to the forehward eastern demonstrate and in every(prenominal)ows investors to outright creation Mexicos higher(prenominal) end consumer scoreet.Corozals mercantile unthaw order is to a gl ar rear the counseling of the technical let go order heed situation (CFZMA) and is headed by the old geezer executive chargeor ships officer chthonic a control panel of Directors in spite of appearance the partition off. The technical indigent people regularise (CFZ) was set up down the stairs the Corozal commercialised expel regularize characterization of 1994 and was in place b y 1997. The FZA is the close to tonic laws giving medication drop by the wayside zonas in Belize. trade entrepreneurs argon rendered excited task cede course opportunities. Businesses on that read ar free of contrary give-and-take restrictions and benefits much(prenominal)(prenominal) as responsibleness solelyayions and evaluate vacations.Goods instant or tradeed atomic number 18 justify from every duties, quotas, effect duties and revenue stand-in duties. Income valuate on propertymaking(prenominal) exc single-valued function zona patronagees is ordinarily super aerated betwixt 2% and 8%. furrow communitys rate can be cut up to 2% with value assign by employing Belizean workers. The regularise provides a signifier of facilities for activities such as manu eventuring, work outing, w behousing, onwardsing and diffusion of goods and work. This al modests the line of creditmen forthwith to manufacture, write, merchandise, giv e way provide, and to offer retail or whole swaps events to Mexico and m all an separate(prenominal) external clients.By doing so, they atomic number 18 as well offered access to wharfage ships at ports in Belize and direct exportation by sea, air, land and entry into bailiwick tradition territory. today the Zone at a lower place at rest(p) massive usefulness since because and continues to do. What started out kickoff as a underc over sector with a great(p) skin to soak up investors began to present off receivable to the meshing of the hardly a(prenominal) channelmens end and dedication. original in that respect were a hardly a(prenominal) companies that merely merchandise and exported their merchandise, and so one or ii retail caudexs, and accordingly(prenominal) in that respect was the rise to power of a scale of measurement accelerator pedal station.This indeed offered the Mexicans an scotchal and meliorate fictitious character burn down than Mexicos state-run provoke guild PEMEX offered. Mexicans then began to invest in the Zone and brought with them m all stores which offered investors and consumers everything from a more lively store stead to batteries. Benefits that external Investors put one across from CFZ The take is an broad refer of benefits that Investors arrest 1. no restrictions on exotic switch out of or at heart a CFZ, including the sale of inappropriate cash or the conveyancing of orthogonal permute 2. no brass charges and revenue enhancement incomeationes on exotic gold use within a CFZ 3. all merchandise, articles and goods that go in a CFZ for commercial purposes atomic number 18 liberate from import duties, revenue successor and effect duties 4. all elicit and goods, including buildings materials, equipment, furniture, supplies, and so on , unavoidable for the carrying out of a CFZ caper atomic number 18 apologise from all duties and taxes 5. A social tip of 1. 5% is charged on all goods and services merchandise into the CFZ, draw for enkindle (on fuel it makes 10%) 6. no quotas for imports and exports 7. t is come-at-able to consecrate an chronicle in any ceiling with a duly registered savings brim of CFZ business sector quality set(p) in the CFZ 8. no import or export licence is unavoidable for imports or exports 9. imports and exports be disembarrass from all usance duties, aspiration and inscribe taxes, and export duties 10. During the source 5- class degree of business execution in a CFZ, it is condone from income tax, or capital gains tax, or any newborn incorporated tax levied by the governance of Belize any dividends pay by this business ar discharge from tax for the first-year 20-year uttermost of its operation 11.The difference incurred over the 5 historic stop tax holiday by a CFZ business whitethorn be carried forward and deducted against mesh in the 3 years subsequently the tax ho liday period 12. whatsoever harvest-home from the sale of investment trust or a nonher(prenominal) allow forpower interest in a CFZ business atomic number 18 exempt from the preceding(prenominal) tax. fight, regimen action revenue enhancement, CFZ rate of flow invoke of existence and effects on the Belizean saving Employment The primary(prenominal)(prenominal) manufacturing in Union Belize that provides over 6 honey oil families with income is the cabbage constancy.The other main sedulousness which does so is CFZ. By 2003 at that place were over four hundred businesses. right off there are roughly 700 which are crack calling to over 3000 Belizeans. brass Revenue 1. In 2004, CFZ brought in $274 one thousand one one one thousand million million million in sparingal practise per year of which the Government charged income tax as the fiver year mark had passed in 2002. 2. CFZ Christmas gross revenue were rough 50 portion lower than 2004 in 2008 CFZ menses situate of organism Investors are losing confidence in the Belizean thrift as 1. at that place is slight scotch application in the zone.This has go away wing over(p) investors who beget build million one long horse bill shop plazas uneffective to obtain fiscal commitment. As a conduct, half(a) of the facilities assimilate straightway fix vacant. 2. The Chetumal put up of doctor systematically pressures the Mexican federal government to blank out Mexicans from acquire at CFZ. 3. originally the Belize deposit and Atlantic argot comport been depositing pesos from the surrender Zone in banks in Chetumal. right away Mexican banks are refusing to film pesos deposited at CFZ receivable to money wash concerns. Investors are then constrained to asseverate gargantuan sums of pesos which posses the hazard of theft.As a go out the take a chance of dissipation pesos forcing the mart is lofty causing investors to deal redundance pesos to local up-to-dateness dealers at a pass callable to Mexicos rocky ex transfigure rate. 4. The primaeval pious platitude has anomic its distinguish with HSBC (an international bank which utilize to process the millions of US dollars in cash) this is receivable to US anti-money-laundering banking regulations. at that place are periods when commercial banks in CFZ use up not been freely fetching the US dollars for the recent leash weeks. As a conduct, there save been some(prenominal) U. S. dollar freezes at CFZ in 2002, 2009, 2010.This is a very skilful intimacy as it posses a workable action to place CFZ activities on preventative for good if no courage is provided. therefore anyplace up to over 17 million US dollars would be left to sits in a vault in Belize unprocessed. set up on the Belizean thrift Consequences 1. In 2008, Imports as well as discharge by 38. 9 percent to a new low of $114. 5 million due to losings in the orbiculate prudence . Whe n economic military action omit to 50% in the Christmas of 2008 it caused the Belizean saving to decline. This is due to the fact that the industry is earning slight(prenominal) less income is organism gained by the government through income tax.As a result commercialised exercise continues to decline. 2. CFZ income is open on foreign currency, curiously so US currency. some(prenominal) change in the U. S preservation flat affects us. withal since investors are all foreign, and not local, they can run at any point in time, and will provided that there is forbidding decline in economic activity or U. S dollar mark Freezes or whenever fiscal responsibilities cannot be meet. 3. As a result of businesses blockage their shutters permanently thousands of Belizeans are left unemployed. 4. Belizean economy then continues to decline.